Tuesday, December 13, 2016


In a few days the three of us will be on our way to the Big Island of Hawaii. We should have four bags packed with clothes, books, stuffed animals, toys, an air mattress, camping gear, and a few things that'll make our next home comfy for us. We will be leaving our jobs, our friends, our families and a sense of security. We'll be leaving the house Kingston was born in. If I go on further about the people we will miss, I'll not stop crying until about two weeks after we are there. This part is the worst. Goodbyes suck.

BUT in the mean time I have been able to hug some friends and family and receive well wishes and excitement and lots of concern. We could always back out and change our minds, but the other side of these goodbyes and missing hearts is something we are E X C I T E D about. Everything has its goods, bads and uglies; we're trying to not have too many expectations. Even these last two weeks before leaving has challenged us. It never fails. I take comfort in the fact that we have landed somewhere unknown and made it work a few times. It is hard and stressful and trying at times, but every day life is too. And this is W O R T H  I T! 

In the middle of July we finally decided on the direction we wanted to go next in our lives. The problem with being so "unattached" is that there are endless options for what to be doing. The bottom, bottom, bottom line was that we couldn't do another long, cold (but gorgeous) winter in Colorado. The way we eat has been a HUGE factor into this decision. I'm happy with the idea and cause of eating plant-based, mostly-raw, and organic. I love how I feel about it and how my body has been changing and healing. I love the freshness and colors of the produce I am learning love. But the time we spend preparing and shopping and spending is rediculous. So these conundrums have racked our brains for a year and a half. Choosing to live in a region and climate that supplies the foods you eat helps you and the planet out in so many ways. So, if this is truly important to us then we should practice what we preach... Or at least strive to get there. 

Being a new parent has also thrown us for a challenge. What's best for Kingston? What kinds of things do we want him seeing are priorities to us? 

So we are going to a place where we will learn how to build and farm sustainably, that happens to be on a tropical island in the middle of the ocean.

This is a step in the direction our lives are being called to. 

Dream Big Ride Far

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