Thursday, December 6, 2012

From the Beginning

I'm horrible with goodbyes. Just aweful. I break down. I cry. I linger.

Blake knows this about me. So the night before our flight out of Colorado Springs to Seattle, while my girlfriends were helping me pack my life into what then seamed like the smallest backpack in the whole world, Blake came over to my parent's house and told me that then is when I would have to say goodbye. I am grateful to him for making me do that.

Saying goodbye to may family was a whirlwind. But I had really been saying goodbye that whole month of staying at my parent's house in Monument. They already knew all the details that I could give them about my trip and that we didn't know when we would see eachother again. I think I cried myself to sleep that night.

In Blake's world, he had gotten sick. Ugh. His "sick days" get pretty aweful. He's prepping to take his body on a tour down the west coast and he gets sick the week before we leave. In my mind this is crazy because we are going up north, to Canada, to Washington. Wet & cold. He better kick this cold fast. (The morning we left, Blake decided to have a personal relationship with the cement sidewalk on a last-minute bike ride as well... it was a good one.)

Also in our world, the week before take off, was the great fire burn-out in Colorado. It was kind of scary, and we had to think about post-poning the trip if the fires got close enough. Thankfully they never did. And we were already packed with the we kicked back and played pool in the garage. We saw Micheal Franti at Red Rocks. Blake ran the Garden of the Gods 10 mile. My family brought home a new kitten. Blake got to spend time with his nephew, Cash. That last month was very much needed and utilizied. I miss every minute, but every minute of it solidified how excited we were to start this next journey.

Monday, the second of July came. We packed our things in cardboard boxes for the plane and headed to the airport with Shawn and Mary, Blake's parents. I was glad it was them to take us because they are strong enough to not make it too emotional, and they are supportive. They stayed in line with us as we encountered the first of MANY bumps to our trip (just having to unpack and leave behind some camping gear that we couldn't take on the plane.) Mary's tears and Shawn's big hugs helped us know we were loved and I knew they would come get us no matter what if anything happened. Ok, let's get on the plane.

Show at Red Rocks in Denver. 

Spending time waiting for news of the fires. 

My sister, Bella, and new kitty, Oliver.

Doing some reading, trying to prepare for what's ahead.

Hours before leaving.

Our life, packed away in cardboard.

Goodbye, Colorado! We will miss you.

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