Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Kingston's 2nd Birthday Party

Kingston Hubert is officially a toddler! He talks, walks, runs, laughs, denies bedtime, all like a boy instead of a baby. He's been communicating with great words for so long, but is really forming sentences and communicating his wants much clearer now. He is confident walking away from me and exploring ((while simontaneously more pissed off when I walk away from him.)) He wants to know how everyone's "bites" are. He asks ((demands)) for the uncles to read him books on the couch, or for bites of coconut meat from John's freshly opened coconut. He wears earplugs taped to his ears while driving the big mower with Pop. He gets thrown around and picked on by the uncles, and he can hang pretty well with all! He is learning compst vs. trash. He loves the moon and stars. His favorite movies right now are The Good Dinosaur, Kung Fu Panda and Moana. He likes to help sweep and chop veggies. He loves this little herb in the garden that makes your mouth go numb, called Spilanthes, and the way he says it is to die for. He loves to spray the hose, though he doesn't get to do that too much because we conserve water due to being on a rain catchment system. So instead he plays in tubs of cool water and splashes around. We're practicing going on the potty, some days are better then others, but him running around in his underwear is so cute ((until he poops in them.)) He changes and grows everyday. As time goes on, though I miss my baby, he's more fun to live with now that we can discuss things, make jokes, play silly games, weed in the garden together, and talk about tools vs. toys. The sweet, surprise smooches and squeezes and "love you, Mama" fills my cup up more then I could have imagined. Every phase this kid has gone through has been my favorite. 

Celebrating his birthday was so fun! On his actual birthday, on Saturday, we worked a little on the farm in the morning, then opened a few presents. We went into town to get groceries for the pizza party and prep everything at one of the cafes. Alexa, Riley and Amanda helped us prep and I made potato nachos for dinner. King loves to explore the cafe while it's closed, reminds me of being at La Casa Fiesta on days it was closed. That night he must have known he was two because it was the first time he flat out threw a tantrum about not going to bed and crying to play with his toys... silly boy. 

The next morning we woke up to a downpour, which was so needed, but not on this day! We were supposed to have an epic beach day with all the awesome new beach toys I got. It said it was supposed to rain all day, and it did. So our friends recommended the astrology center and then they picked us up and we took our boys to a fun, hands on museum about the stars, planets, universe, deep ocean, and history of the islands. We played around for a while as the boys went from one thing to another then watched a video about Mauna Kea in the dome theater. After that we cruised around for some errands before ending up at the cafe to start decorating and setting up the pizza buffet. Blake made a huge amount of dough and pizza sauce while Liana and I decorated and Chase kept an eye out on the wild boys fighting/playing with each other... silly boys. 

Once the "aunties" and "uncles" (thank you, Hawaii, for installing a natural tribe by making everyone a relative) showed up, we let them free in the kitchen to roll out amd create their pizzas. It was chaotic and we learned from mistakes as we went, but it was so entertaining and made for lots of smiles and full, happy bellies (one point the whole place seemed silent when everyone was grubbing their pizzas.) One of our friends, who has her own raw vegan business, dropped off a cake she made just for K. It was a white chocolate cheese cake with a peanut butter crust. Yeah. Packed that baby full of candles and it created such a great moment for a song and for King to blow out his candles, and it was delicious. Everyone also got into Jackie's homemade ice cream with banana split toppings! Then King opened his presents and was so sweet about them. Everyone really thought about us and him in their sweet gifts. It was fun to watch them all really dote on King and reminisce about how much he's grown since we first arrived. We ended the night running those boys around while cleaning up, and finally ending with snuggles in bed. 

Reflecting on this weekend, we are so thankful and grateful for those who love K near and far. The FaceTime calls, cards and packages sent in the mail, special birthday hugs and gestures and patience really shown through to help K feel special and maybe even start to grasp the concept of birthdays. Of course what two-year-old doesn't want to have an audience?! Thank you, family, for loving on our Kingston.

To Kingston on his second trip around the Sun, 
Dream Big, Ride Far, my son, and Be Happy! We are blessed by you and love that we get to be a part of your growing up! 
Mom & Pop 

Here are some of the thoughtful gifts for K: he also made out with a boogie boards, a light saber, a huge pizza slice pool floaty, trucks, a huge dragon kite, a fluffy stuffed puppy, garden gloves, and awesome books! 

Low Fat, High Carb, Plant Based Pizza Buffet ingredients: all organic

Whole Wheat dough 
Homemade roasted red bell pepper, onion, garlic and tomato pizza sauce 
Homemade pesto sauce with no oil and fresh basil from the garden 
Homemade "parmesan" with onion and garlic powder, nutritional yeast and hemp seeds 
Canned artichoke hearts and black olives 
Tomato slices 
Mushroom slices 
Bell pepper slices 
Onion slices 
Zucchini slices 
Barbeque sauce 
Fresh pineapple chunks 
Peppers from the garden 
Rosemary from the garden 
Broccoli from the garden 
Mixed greens 
Jar of chopped sundried tomatoes 
Vegan mozzarella cheese 
BYO real cheese 
Cassava patties for the gluten free