Nap time is essential
Hard physical work helps you sleep better
The sunshine days are glorious
The rainy days are usually an opportunity to rest
Always bring an umbrella
Everything molds
Everything grows... and grows back
The reward is worth the work
The sound of weeds popping out of the soil with all their roots is the best sound in the world
Organizing, for recycling, your own (and sometimes others') trash helps you become more aware of your purchases
It all starts with the quality of the soil
Weekends really are prime
If I can do farm boys' laundry, I can do anything
Naked babies save diapers
Farm kittens are adorable and insanely disgusting
Success is opening a coconut gracefully and swiftly and finding you picked a perfect one
Babies want everything they can't have
Friends are sanity. Farm friends are imperative.
The night skies are so clear in the middle of the Pacific
Always cleaning. Always cleaning. Always cleaning
Bananas are so good, but so so so dirty
I've never hated slugs more
Hawaiians know how to beach
Earplugs can save a relationship
You learn something new everyday
Dancing through it helps
Can I really potty train on a community compost toilet?
Choose your battles
But the toddler is always right... jk
The breeze is sent straight from heaven
Sugar cane is a hot topic
You are the only person who loves your baby's poop
Going through an election out here has been refreshing
The world cares too much about nonsense and not enough about the basics
Don't be surprised
Don't have expectations
Don't take things personally
Work hard
Play hard
Be thankful
Be respectful
It takes a village
Live aloha
Dream Big
Ride Far